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Horror At Cologne Fools

Posted by Juan on April 10, 2019 with Comments Closedas

Small village in the Swabian countryside trumped the parade with horror against the Rhine metropolis in the construction of the car looking Cologne fools. A small village in the Swabia country preparing to beat the professionally built motif car size, creativity and perfection. The 54th Donzdorfer Fasnetsumzug is one of the most magnificent fool jumps on March 06, 2011, in the District of Goppingen in Baden-Wurttemberg along rheinischem lines in southern Germany. A small town at the foot of the Swabian Alb, which is defying the Swabian Alemannic Fasnet prevailing in southern Germany. For over 50 years, a giant Gaudiwurm takes place in Donzdorf on the Fasnetssonntag modeled on rheinischem.

While the 17 oversized motif car must not frighten the comparison with the nationwide well-known Rosenmontag parades. Especially if one compares the financial and human resources. Because up to 5 metres high motive cars in the Swabia country not by artists and professional car building company are designed in contrast to the Rhine metropolises. In Donzdorf built the passing Giants meetings, clubs and private groups in the evenings and weekends. The almost invariably local Wheelwright natural persons and imaginative figures recreate with elaborate wooden and steel constructions. Quite a few of the-ton bodies move thanks to a sophisticated pneumatic and engine technology as if by magic. All this at a fraction of the Cologne cost without own car building halls and specially provided trailers. But it just as unique.

No wonder, then, that the number of persons in Donzdorf on the Fasnetssonntag increases year after year to nearly five times the population. Up to 50,000 spectators are on March 06. Marvel at the 48 groups at the 54th Donzdorfer Fasnetsumzug and re-make the small village to the Rhenish fools stronghold in southern Germany. press