Good Master
Thus it broke Abro as Mr. had said to it, (Gneses 12.1; 4) Abro, was a man who if detached in its city, therefore, had an excellent standard of living, relatives loved that it, neighbors who if related very well with it. Suddenly! God asks for to it to abandon everything that it conquered throughout its life, to go for a locality, that is not disclosed to it. But readily it it obeyed the voice of God, therefore, ' ' ele' ' the corporeal property was not imprisoned. God in this last hour of the church in the phase land, this, the search of Christians, who are not imprisoned to its patrimonies, to its proper concepts, for it to be in service.
Therefore, if its patrimony will be imprisoned, inside of your heart, you does not obtain to obey the voice of God. It sees the example of the rich young. E, setting it way, ran for it a man, which if kneel ahead of it, and he asked to it: Good Master, that I will make to inherit the perpetual life? Jesus said to it: You call why me good? Nobody has good seno one, that he is God. You know the orders: You will not adulterate; you will not kill; you will not steal; you will not say false certification; you will not disapoint somebody; it honors your father and your mother. It, however, answering, said to it: Master, everything this I kept since my youth. Jesus, looking at for it loved, it and it said to it: It lacks a thing to you: it goes, vende everything how much you have, and of – to the poor persons, you will have a treasure in the sky; comes, it takes the cross, and it follows me. But it, sorry of this word, left sad; because possua many properties.
Expensive readers, this is the first time that I write in this espao.espero that as well as I am interested myself very for the opinions of the other authors, takes that somebody also reads my articles therefore wants to learn sufficiently with its critical and tips to be able to always continue in the resulted search of the one best one in our studies. But we go direct to the subject. If Peter the disciple had not denied the Christ for three times, never if would have become apstolo, therefore for what he knows yourself it was one face of difficult and very marrento temperament. He needed GOD to intervene with the feelings of Peter and to allow that he was planted inside of it other feelings as: fear, cowardice and even though faith lack. If it had continued to confront the Romans, as it made in the episode of the ear of Malcon also would have been died at that time. Therefore the order of Jesus' ' It moves away to you from mim' ' , it was not mere a tentiva to silence the mouth of Peter at that moment, more yes a strategy to force to withdraw it of its certainties for some time so that also it was not executed together with the Mestre.Sabido is that after the death and resurrection of Jesus, Peter if it fortified, starting from there a powerful ministry for the enlargement of the kingdom of God..