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Greek Mirrors

Posted by Juan on November 3, 2013 with Comments Closedas , ,

Elements that are useful for people development is a challenge that assume researchers and inventors daily, some utensils such as toilets where the fundamental and central theme of this article are mirrors. Mirrors are a piece made of Crystal rock or glass, reflecting light or image projected on them, is considered a toilet pan by its reflective virtues. Mirrors begin their development in Egypt since the year 2500 BC, where the invention of the first type of mirror made with bronze gave rise to the evolution of this. The use of mirrors also began to apply to civilizations such as the Roman, Greek and Etruscan; where the first mirrors created by these civilizations showed a new way to manufacture them. They began to use silver instead of bronze, in order to improve the definition of the image. The use of metals such as silver, copper and bronze mirrors were made for very limited periods of time, since environmental factors obscure metals. Mirrors begin their use in the vanities from the middle ages, more specifically in the 16th century, where the invention of mirrors glass and rock crystal, allowed that the use of these with ease to be applied to elements such as tables and apparatus, specially designed for placing mirrors. Mirrors for late 17TH century and early 18th century began to be manufactured in various sizes and shapes, in order to convert it from an element of vanity to a decorative element of halls and Royal residences.

For the 19th century use of mirrors were one of the largest sources of decoration used at the time. The adaptation of mirrors to other items such as automobiles, bicycles, trains and some more specific such as telescopes, began to be used since the 20th century. Today mirrors are a fundamental part in some research as the space, since a major component of the giant telescopes are developed on the basis of the primitive mirror lenses and mirrors. It is proper to note that some researchers such prestigious as Galileo Galilei and Leonardo Da Vinci, during the course of his life they used mirrors to develop some of its investigations. At present human evolution has led to mirrors to levels never believed, since the appearance of various types provide a wide range of them, which are classified into three main categories; they are: concave mirrors: are designed in a way semi spherical, in order to provide a greater visual range of the object or person reflected image. Convex mirrors: this are equally developed that concave mirrors, with the difference that the reflective part makes outer concave design, with the purpose to increase the directly reflected image. Plane mirrors: are designed as its name indicates it flat so that the reflection that this gives, is equal to the element to reflect. In conclusion the invention of mirrors was a great help for the development of some very important elements currently, so this is good to highlight the history, utility and development of this element as used in the daily life of all people.