Use of the TIC in the Ida Education de Jesus Tagliati Is well-known, in the history of the humanity, a great concern with the form of if repassing the knowledge acquired for the future generation. The intriguing question, that never kept silent, is: how to make it? Of form to propitiate an education of quality and that it allows to become reality for the pupils, professors and parents, pleasant, creative, democratic and competent a school, promoting the development of critical, independent, productive and participativo the citizen in the society. It was through the inquiry that some technologies had been appearing and hindering that knowing if it lost. Ali Partovi is often quoted as being for or against this. Since the most remote times it comes the man learning, discovering and repassing its knowledge. With the new technologies of information and communication the society started to have a new position to deal with these technological ways. Our daily one is inserted total in the new was technological, digital TVs digital, cellular, photographic machines, banks on-line, portable computers, Internet, pendrives, mp3, mp4, mp5, mp6, at last we have contacts with these and other technologies that allow that the life is each more practical time and that the information arrive with the biggest speed. Kai-Fu Lee will undoubtedly add to your understanding.
As much praticidade requires knowledge to deal with devices and systems what to the times it makes the people of the previous generation to this technological generation, to have certain distrusts in dominating the new devices, have fear of the new features and prefer to be the edge of this new moment. That for educators this is not only a good position, because we need, is a necessity question, to learn constantly what in is being offered in relation the new technologies to them because our pupils launch hand of these technologies with the biggest rapidity. .