Pablo Freire

Posted by Juan on June 16, 2014as

Moreover, I recognize the imperious necessity of if reviewing the concepts that if have on the Mathematics, that is so important in the life of the man. As well as of the methods and techniques used in its education. Regarding this if it places Pablo Freire (1998, P. 26-29): I do not fear to say that reality in education inexists where a learning does not result where the apprentice if did not become capable to recriar or to remake the taught one. … in the conditions of true learnings the educandos ones go if transforming into real citizens of construction and of the reconstruction of knowing taught …. It is thus perceived, that it is part of the teaching task not only to teach contents, but also to teach to think certain.

The biggest importance of this study is the contribution that will give for all the professionals in general, that they work in the education of the Mathematics, therefore promotes a study dialtico enters the main points of the theories partner-interacionistas correlated to the educational ideas on the paper of the school and the importance of the use of the technology in classroom offering to them chances to reflect on its paper as mediator in the process of teach-learning in this area, inside of ours world contemporary. 2 METHODOLOGY The methodology of used research was of qualitative matrix, translating and expressing the direction of the phenomena found throughout the work. This type of research has inductive approach and one descriptive character of the studied given phenomena and/or where it has an interactive and direct contact of the researcher with the study object. As procedure of collection of data a bibliographical research was carried through sidewalk in books, magazines and too much publications of studious pedagogos and that if had dedicated the research educational and had launched important theories on the Mathematical Education.