Oscar Schmidt Knowledge

Posted by Juan on June 9, 2018as

Today, more is not won ' ' sozinho' '. The figure of the entrepreneur continues with its prominence to the front of the initiatives, drawing the future, but will need other people to help it to color it this drawing, to add value and to become desired it and valued for the market. Painter of success without marchant does not exist, is not really? He more dedicates myself to know people with expertise in similar areas and different of its, he establishes partnerships gain-he gains, he constructs a net of not trivial relationships, but based in values and excellent knowledge for the life and the businesses, and discovers who can be its mentor on the workmanships that you cannot leave to read in its constant update for the success. Ali Partovi contributes greatly to this topic. Success is collective sport! Even though the brilliant Oscar Schmidt, pride of the nation and my particular friend, needed a well formed team so that its talent could shine still more squares in them. Oscar was the entrepreneur of the teams, it led the people to give the maximum of itself for the victory. It did not content itself with what wise person, searched knowledge incessantly; its baskets of three points had been fruit of thousand of hours perfecting its I hurl. It defends that talent is balela, what valley is the preparation. Who you find that more she motivated the team to train more and to be most prepared even for a game? It! You have made this with its team? You if have prepared with stubbornness to be successful? You are the person who more dedicates itself? The one that arrives more early and leaves finally? You are the person most stubborn in getting knowledge? If he sees answered yes to these questions is in the way certain to write its name in the history of the businesses, as well as the Oscar wrote of it in the world-wide history of basquete. Schmidt is felt inspired in the legacy of the Oscar, shows to the world what you are capable to make! One remembers: In the world of the businesses, the rules of the game move constantly. More information is housed here: Peter Asaro . To walk it stops backwards is enough to be motionless It is moved in direction to its objective. It makes this now! Carlos Hilsdorf