Emergency Nursing FINAL TEXT
PROFESSIONAL PROFILE ENFERMER ADE EMERGENCIES, EMERGENCY AND DISASTER Adopted Chihuahua (Mexico), on October 12, 2007 INTRODUCTION One of the clearest indicators and compelling basis for measuring the development of a nation is without doubt the health of its population.Given the importance of system type and model of health in a country and its close relationship with the professional work is of outstanding importance to know the trends and current status of the professions related to health care. The current demands on the country health professionals call quality in the field of nursing according to the scientific and technological progress with an academic education based on ethical and moral human values capable of participating effectively in the community with specific actions based on the different areas of your performance. Emergencies and disasters continually haunt our Global Village and beyond national borders, so count on nursing professionals in the Emergency Resource Specialists, Emergencies and Disasters willing to pour all the knowledge in areas where providing desperately needed comprehensive care and able to adapt to any medium duty, victims will receive more appropriate care, more efficient and better quality. The Emergency Nurse, Emergencies and Disasters provide care and nursing care to all persons without distinction of creed, race, color, sex, social status or political thought. In that sense, the Iberoamerican Federation of Nursing in Critical and emergency (IBAMEUE) launched in February 2006 in Lima (Peru) the task of defining the profile of professional nursing that develops their professional work in emergency care, emergencies and disasters. DEFINITION The nurse (or) emergency specialist is a professional who has an official title issued by a recognized institution in your country and registration card or registration or professional license issued by the national authority and which also has additional academic training exercise nursing at an advanced level. Nursing in emergency is defined as: “the provision of specialized nursing care to a variety of patients in various stages of life ill or injured. The health of these patients may be stable or unstable, complex needs and require close monitoring or intensive care. The Nurse Practitioner, Specialist in Emergency, Emergencies and Disasters, provide nursing care to people with health problems in critical, high risk, at the individual or collective, in the medical institution or at home, speeding decision making using a methodology based on the progress made in the field of health care, ethics and scientific evidence gained through a research activity directly related to clinical practice. Moreover, since experts in this area will be effective consultants in the institutional or the health team in any aspect. The requirements for the nurse can develop their skills as a Specialist in Area Emergency, Disaster and Emergency are: a) Provision of adequate, comprehensive and specific training to help them correct management of critical situations both in prehospital and hospital. b) Master the mechanisms for management of multiple victims and securing the area in emergency situations, emergencies and disasters in the area prehospital and in the adaptation of a hospital setting to home, Reception and Classification of these potential events with multiple victims. c) Hold Update Guides Pre Hospital Management and Hospital Intervention Guidelines d) Learn to act in stressful situations to initiate therapeutic measures in the place where the patient loses his health, including continued during transport to hospital and in the same. e) Have skills in managing communication systems, both wired (receiving calls) and wireless (radio management), allowing for optimization of results. f) Have ability to communicate with everyone in the network of care in the field of public emergency, stressing the need to develop an integrated system of care g) Be empowered to develop and update emergency plans and contingency plans h) Provide training in triage and RAC (Reception, Reception and Classification) These professionals are trained and are competent to: 1.