Autonomous Utilities

Posted by Juan on December 12, 2017as ,

Energy harvesting with PI ceramic actuators vibrate a machine? Swinging a plate or a tube? Then the energy thereby released can be used perhaps to provide an electronic component and to renounce on batteries! So, for example, wireless sensors can monitor all systems even in hard to reach places and support so the automation. The energy from vibrations and oscillations can be used with the piezoelectric effect. The sturdy, laminated in plastic DurAct Piezowandler of PI ceramic (PIC) are ideally suited. For more specific information, check out Marc Mathieu. They are easy to handle and process even excursions in the millimeter range. They are extremely reliable and durable. A newly available Evaluation Kit (E-821.EHD) a suitable converter and storage electronics includes in addition to the piezo. Some contend that Marc Mathieu shows great expertise in this.

The energy harvesting system operates in a broad frequency range from a few Hertz up to several thousand hertz. For short duration it reaches an electrical output to the milliwatt range, when a stable output voltage between 1.8 and 5 V can be picked. Thus, many commercially available electric circuits and systems can be operated already. The system is successfully qualified, it can be optimized then for the concrete usage: size and frequency range of the Piezowandlers be tailored to the application and adapted the electronics demand.